Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Comfort food on bandh day. Go ahead, ask me what they are =)


Magically Bored said...

I love the photographs. :-)
You are jaast too talented.

La Figlia Che Piange said...

Maggi and cha?

Priyanka said...

no, special maggi and special cha. Which is to say proper masala maggi with eggs, and cranberry iced tea.

Priyanka said...

Tuna, yay. I will make you cranberry tea.

Abhiroop said...

Cha??? :( :(

It looked like wine though.... :(

Brilliant photo.... not so brilliant taste in beverages though! :)

Arse Poetica said...

beautiful food.

Priyanka said...

@ abhiroop: that's all there was in the house, but i love tea as much as i love coffee.

@ ap: =)

Sroyon said...

I have heard high praise of your Maggi. Very high praise.

Priyanka said...

As should be the case.

Sahana said...

I still think Curry Noodles is the best.
And also. Lemon Ice tea is better than cranberry. Blackcurrant is the worst flavour.