Tuesday, March 9, 2010

There are these Junior Horlicks biscuits that are in animal shapes. The sheep are the cutest but the lions look pretty wistful too, plus they taste awesome and last a fascinating five minutes. I christened each one before chomping. Go eat some. It helps if you put a Sir before each name.


Sroyon said...

Oh but this is too good. The elephant can be Sir-Cuss, the electric eel can be Sir-Kit, the giraffe can be Sir-Vix. The snake, of course, will be Sir-Pent.

And the railway stamp banner image. :)

Wait, do they have an electric eel-shaped biscuit?

Shrabasti Banerjee said...

:D :D

Soin said...

not connected..somehow you manage to put up really good headers pics.and a sir pint seems better.free

Priyanka said...

@ sroyon: Elephants, dogs, sheep, rabbits. No eels or giraffes or snakes. But what ideas, I'll steal them for something.

@ soin: thanks.