Sunday, April 4, 2010

Change your heart, it will astound you. This change of heart has long been overdue but it has come and been undergone and yeah, it's spot on. We all have this capacity, right, like a lot of white noise between certain frequencies that you just can't tune into. Like so many band-aids waiting for scratches to happen. Something like that. You reach the right one after swerving left and right, to and fro, back and forth, again and again and thrice more, the space occupied is so small it seems a bit of an embarrassment that it should matter so much but then the needle hits and bam! Information. Bite-sized but useful, the astounding kind. Tomorrow my heart will still be the same, mind, only tilted a little to the left. Otherwise, well, I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me, something like that. I'm a loserbaby all right but I'm a good loserbaby.

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