Monday, June 21, 2010

Strange, having other things screw with one's peace instead of oneself. One is usually above all this and bubblewrapped nicely to boot, but it's all ptt ptt ptt ptt now and one is sure it doesn't really matter, if one knew better one would smile smugly and go out drinking or beat up a pillow or suchlike. As things stand now one will probably end up with unfortunate piercings. Funniest thing though, piercing on right side of nose or left? One's capacity for entertainment would suggest both, that way it's all good at the box office. After all, one survived Raavan. That movie's an embarrassment, such an embarrassment, so others shouldn't really compare. Lets see.

1 comment:

Magically Bored said...

What, I quite liked Raavan. But then, my opinion on Hindi movies is never to be trusted.