Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I wasn't born to be contrary but
for a part two to happen things cannot cave in

they must not, because, well, look at ants
what we do (which isn't much, mind) either
lives on or sinks
into the soil

soil is porous
so is a sponge
and blotting paper and the atmosphere
and, I'd like to believe, the universe, although I don't
know enough physics
to verify that



Vikrant Dadawala said...

this new look is very very nice

Arse Poetica said...

of course you were born to be contrary :D

Sarbajaya said...

I agree with Vikrant.
Blue <3

Anushka said...

I never thought aantlamo from you could sound so Effortless. But it does, and it is deliciously tongue-in-cheek to boot. Yay :)