Saturday, December 5, 2009

I've resolved to end the city freeze. From tomorrow I shall, at least thrice a week, wake up early morning and pull on sweater and go out with Kaimra. Let's see how that works out. Something tells me it'll be the waking up bit that hurts the most. Right now there's so much night-fog the streetlights outside seem to be breathing, like you could put your face up to them and feel waves of steam. The way your nose held over a cup of tea feels suddenly moist. Can mornings be any less beautiful? I could do with a dose of beautiful.

I hope it gets much much colder.


Sahana said...

I am jealous, I am, I am. I am very jealous, you see. Fog in VELLORE is like Christmas in February. It will never happen. :-(

Priyanka said...

then what are you all science students for?

speedpost said...

@Sahana: Darling. Yesterday. There was fog. :P..I think Hellore was patiently waiting for you to leave. :D

Priyanka said...

can't even engineer fog, ha.