Saturday, January 16, 2010

If you're ever with a blanket that is holding
in a fart, watch out
because it's smelly like a behind is smelly,
it's like that man on the road you
often see,
the man who bumps up against people because he has to,
a sudden shoulder collision,
you didn't really need it and you don't know how
it happened, but oh well.

So suppose you get out and run, the blanket
be damned, the world be damned,
there will always
be another bed and another mattress,
holding in centuries of
misplaced odours, things done and undone
and hastily removed, this isn't meant to be gross really,
just a
Just my nose.


Roshni said...

'Just my nose.'
Aha,that's where I just flipped :) I like like like.

Anushka said...

Seconds Upashona.

Priyanka said...

all's well then =)