Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What is IT with everyone trying to take everyone's trip, it's really pissing me off. I want to sleep. I want confidence pills and I want to overdose on them. I want Plastic Beach now, right now. I want to live in a trailer. I've been watching Wonderfalls all over again, two years down the line I can see the flaws but I'm enjoying it. The occasional over-acting, the random shriekiness, the bad hair, I can handle all of it because the entire series is just so rooted in the fact that everyday things are creepier than nightmares, ditto for everyday happenings, it's a philosophy I completely identify with. Like how last week a girl jumped off the sixth floor of Block Four in my complex in a suicide attempt and fell on a car and had to go to hospital, and every one I told this to laughed, first instinct guffaw, almost incredulous but a laugh nevertheless. It happens, you'd think people would check for cars, or whatever you think the funny bit is. So yeah, tiny animal figurines talking to you, happens, why not. I've always hated showpieces so it fits.

The father came home at ten thirty in the morning all annoyed and walking like a zombie, turns out he tore his pants at the bum trying to get out of a cab on the way to work. I realise I'm proud of my parents at all the wrong times, just like I'm really bad at explaining why I find some things very funny. Pencils with rubbers attached at the end, for example. Or Mata Hari, or Jonathan Livingston Seagull, this is where I go away and pretend I've been writing an abstract for a conference or something.


Anushka said...

The randomer your posts are, the more I understand them.

Somewhere Circus said...


Also, the headers are beautifully insane.
My favourite is 'Oh no'. :)

Priyanka said...

Is that a good thing now.

speedpost said...

:) If I told you I felt the same way about it, would you murder me? The bad hair especially. But Jay's brother is sooo good.

Priyanka said...

He is toohot.