Monday, August 2, 2010

Sick as a brick. The reason most people think I'm smart is my good timing, whenever a brainwave comes (and mind you they do, they're real and they're spectacular, no kidding) the key is publicity. I'm usually bloody good at it, so monumentally stupid moments must be as excusable as general stupidity. It is only natural. You'll never notice, but stupidity vibes! Brain damage! Deal is, though, I'm too sick as a brick to even begin speculating. I can't believe I missed the Freshers' and I can't believe I didn't go watch Khatta Meetha.

Saw a beggar kid at 8b crap all over the pavement while stuck in a jam. Then he got up and ran around with a turd still hanging off his bottom like a yellow plasticine tail. I kept hoping his mother would grab him and sit him down on her lap but it didn't happen. Life disappoints.

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