This has been the most happening day of my life for quite some time. Slept till eleven then crept about the house like a zombie, thank god for Janmashtami, major cramping issues and despondence and sad soundtrack in here but the world's playing Trinamool party songs outside (I'm so funny, I knoow). I always feel like stuffing myself with something sweet at times like these. This year I've mostly made pancakes. I made mango pancakes in July and then discovered apple pancakes and today I put my breakfast into a pancake, coffee liqueur, an egg, a banana, some papaya, then dunked it all in chocolate, something I would never do on a normal day. I shouldn't be doing this but this happens always. Incidentally, I was very surprised to find that both my mother and 30Rock call it the womantimes, hahaha, world is very very funny.
So I slept again. Woke up at three still bent over and still needing chocolate, got stoned because I couldn't find painkillers, then made a one-minute biscuit pudding. Clearly pain triggers my inner genius. Then watched The Fall, out of action till seven. I'm pretty sure I would've hated the movie if I'd watched it any other time, it's too slow for my attention span and extremely contrived but so, so beautiful. Preetty khulursss. Painkillersss. Yeah, something like that. Plus it has Lee Pace narrating it; I want the story of my life to be told by Lee Pace's voice and I want to hear it before I wake up and right when I go to sleep and I want to go to sleep now listening to Lee Pace's voice because the cramps are back and I'm sick from all the chocolate. If I stay at home all the time in the future I'm sure to become a hideous overfed woman with a wry man-voice in her head for most of the time. In the future, yes.