Friday, June 10, 2011

Day Eleven: A book you hated: 

I'm not saying I was a tough unprincessy kid, it's just that Sara Crewe has always struck me as exactly the sort of girl who gets a raw deal because she's such an annoying little martyr. To cut it short, this book bored me senseless. Of course, there's always the possibility that I might learn new things about how and why it was written if I choose to pick it up now, and view it differently and all that jazz, but that's not bound to happen anytime soon ever. I hated it thrice as much as I hated Noddy, and that's saying something.


Magically Bored said...

You hated Noddy? :O

Arse Poetica said...

This was kind of bizarre but I sort of thought her imaginative powers were priceless. If I remember correctly she was always imagining she was comfortable when she was starving. Whereas I am always imagining I am starving when I am comfortable. Weird.s

CheshireCat said...

I hated Noddy too. *highfive*

Priyanka said...

Sohini, highfaive :D
Take that, Tuna.

I don't know, man. Imagining yourself happier richer prettier - not very new, that.

beej said...

i loved the little princess.. i guess mostly coz i identified with her. you'd hate me, wouldn't you? :| :(
ah well.. it takes all sorts to make the world, so my tuition teacher said..

i never liked noddy either, though. managed to turn 12 without ever reading one. then i read one.